If You Don’t Have A Half Moon Shape On Your Nails, Visit A DOCTOR Immediately


At the base, where it attaches to the finger and cuticle, the average human fingernail has a little white half-moon shape. Although some people are born deaf to the half-moon, or lunula, shape on their nails, the lack of this design element on your nails might be a sign of a vitamin deficiency or another serious health problem.

Nails grow in a specific area under the skin called the matrix. The matrix may be used to generate more cells. Cells begin to aggregate and expel themselves from the skin at this point. Many different issues could be signaled by a white half-moon at the base of a nail, called a lunula. Due to the fifth basal elastin layer being concealed underneath the blood cells, this portion of the nail appears white.

Typically, the thumb is the nail where the Lunula is most prominent, covering about a fourth of the nail. A whiter Lunula is also considered a sign of good health by medical professionals. Diet, level of physical activity, and environmental factors are some of the elements that might affect Lunula development. If any of these problems are present, the Lunula may alter size, become less prominent, or disappear completely.

Furthermore, this part of the nail is quite sensitive, so any pain there might be a sign of anything more severe going on with your health. What does the decrease or disappearance of the Lunula mean?

Furthermore, this part of the nail is quite sensitive, so any pain there might be a sign of anything more severe going on with your health. What does the decrease or disappearance of the Lunula mean?

Loss of the thumb's Lunula may be an indicator of a mental illness.

A lack of a lulula on your little finger might be a sign of trouble with your intestines, pancreas, liver, or reproductive system in females.

A decrease in size or disappearance of the Lunula, the index finger, might be an indication of gastrointestinal problems.

The narrowing of the Lunula on the middle finger might be an indication of hypertension.

Thyroid problems may be indicated if the Lunula of the ring finger is smaller than normal or not present at all.

Lastly, if you see any changes in the nail ulna, it is critical that you get medical assistance from a doctor.

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